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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Driver Genius FULL

Driver Genius Professional can manage your PC to get 100% up to date Drivers and optimize PC performance. Driver Genius Professional is a powerful driver manager for Windows that can backup, restore ,search and update your drivers automatically with only a couple of mouse clicks.

Programe Bikin Semua Software Trial Selama Lamanya (Jadi Tetap Original)

Silahkan Di unduh... VISTA OR XP

Acronis Rescue Disk 3 in 1 (3 Product in 1 Iso File)

Sebagai pecinta produk Acronis, pengen share custom made Rescue Disk Acronis 3 in 1 yang artinya dalam 1 file ISO Acronis Rescue Disk, ada 4 jenis produk.

Ada 3 macem Rescue disk yg di custom made, yaitu sbb :


BatteryBar dapat download disini

Kumpulan Hacking Tools

1. Hacking, Penetration Testing, and Countermeasure training. 17 CD.

Package Includes:
Featuring live instructor-led classroom sessions with full audio, video and demonstration components
Printable courseware
300+ Penetration Testing Review Questions
eWorkbook - 725 pages Student eWorkbook by Logical Security

Inilah Sejarah 10 Lagu Kebangsaan Di Dunia

Wah agan pasti tahukan Lagu kebangsaan adalah lagu yang menjadi simbol suatu negara atau daerah. nah gan Biasanya lagu ini ditetapkan oleh hukum, tetapi kebanyakan tidak
oleh karena itu gan Perbedaan antara lagu kebangsaan dengan lagu patriotik adalah bahwa lagu kebangsaan ditetapkan secara resmi menjadi simbol suatu bangsa. Selain itu, lagu kebangsaan biasanya merupakan satu-satunya lagu resmi suatu negara atau daerah yang menjadi ciri khasnya.


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I Am Legend m-HD - uSk Alternate Ending

[Movie Title ]....[ I Am Legend
[Release Year ]...[ 2007
[iMDb Rating ]....[ 7.2/10
[Genre ]..........[ Drama / Horror / Sci-Fi / Thriller
[Runtime ]........[ 101 mins
[File Size ]......[ 1099 MB
[Source ].........[ I.Am.Legend.720p.BluRay.x264-REFiNED

Penemu Jaringan Internet di Abad 20

Abad 20 identik sekali dengan semaraknya perkembangan komputer terutama dunia maya atau yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Internet. Saat ini internet sudah merasuki hidup manusia. Mencari informasi, mendapatkan berita terbaru, berkomunikasi dengan teman-teman lama maupun baru, update pekerjaan dan lain-lain semua terasa lebih mudah. Semuanya ini tidak terlepas dari hasil kerja brilian dari Tim Berners Lee . Seorang ilmuwan komputer yang menemukan dan mengembangkan jaringan internet atau World Wide Web (www).

Hulk 480p - GHiA With Director's Commentary

Download Links:

Avatar | SPB Brain Evolution | Brain Challenge | Crazy Taxi 3D | Chuck Norris – 5 a Day

Today we will start  an exclusive new series of posts which is truly unique and special to our adored visitors at Chaos Inc. This series is called as “5 a Day” and it will always include 5 different games, themes or applications that we have not yet reviewed. Hopefully with this new series we will bring to you only the new and underrated stuff that we feel deserves your attention. What’s more? We will also offer you the chance to download them free!
Today’s 5 a Day post is about games and these are some of the hottest and most addictive games that you will come across at recent times for your Symbian 3rd edition and 5th edition devices and none of these games are yet featured here at Nokia Symbian Themes. Some of these games were released months back while some of them were only introduced last week.

Zombie Infection | Terminator Salvation | G.I. Joe – Rise of Cobra

Today we will feature and review (in short) 3 excellent mobile games that are made for Symbian 3rd edition devices and 5th edition touchscreen devices. All 3 of these games are a hit in their own way and packs a ton of entertainment compared to many other games in the same genre.
Two of these games are highly resolution dependent meaning the overall gaming experience that you may see in the screenshots will totally depend on the device you are playing it on. Generally speaking, most action games that are 2D in nature usually provides an awesome high end performance in both high end devices and also on any ordinary Nokia devices. Anyway, as you already know by the title of the post that the games we are going to feature today for your downloads are 2 action games and one speed racing game. The action games are called Zombie Infection, Terminator Salvation and G.I. Joe: The Rise of the Cobra.
Enough with the blah let us proceed with the 3 games already then shall we?

10 Penemuan Baru SAINS di 2010

Tahun 2010 menjadi ajang pembuktian dari kreatifitas para ilmuan dari berbagai bidang seperti kimia, astronomi, biologi, arkeologi, dan palaentologi yang telah berhasil menemukan fakta-fakta spektakuler dalam sains. Fakta apa sajakah itu?
Berikut 10 penemuan terheboh sepanjang 2010 yang dipublikasikan oleh Majalah Times di Amerika. Sebagai warga Indonesia, sepertinya kita harus ikut bangga karena salah satu penemuan tersebut adalah hasil karya anak bangsa...

80+ Useful SMS & Inbox Mgt. Apps for Symbian

When it comes to managing the number of SMS you receive daily or the number of SMS you may have to send out everyday, we all will probably agree that Nokia haven’t yet implemented any advanced solutions on any of the Symbian devices available in the market. The limited flexibility when it comes to exporting, scheduling or even sorting the Message Inbox is one thing they must really change because many of us will gain a lot of advantages from that.

4 Cara mengatasi hidung mampet tanpa beli obat

Disinilah kenikmatan bernapas qt di cabut mpe susah bgt mao idup.

Oke ane bakal beri solusi tanpa harus beli obat ini itu..itu ini..apa itunya si ini ,ini ini an..


Menteri Kominfo Jadi Trending Topic di Twitter gara2 NGALAY gan

Fenomena gaya menulis 'alay' dengan ciri kombinasi huruf dan angka rupanya tidak hanya milik ABG saja. Bahkan seorang Tifatul Sembiring pun juga ikut ngalay di twitnya. gak cuma ABG ja gan

twit bergaya 'alay' itu mulai diposting sekitar pukul 20.19 WIB. Simak status alay @tifsembiring berikut ini:

patch for bitdefender

patch for all version bitdefender 2009
it converts a trial version into a commercial version and extends the license to the year 2047.


Cara Membuat Postingan Blog Otomatis Masuk ke Twitter

Mau tahu caranya?

Begini nih...

1. Buka situs Twitterfeed di . Lalu klik Sign Up dibagian kanan atas situsnya.

2. Masukkan email dan password, lalu klik Create Account.

Monday, March 28, 2011

7 Aplikasi Pelengkap Laptop Anda (free semua)

7 Aplikasi pelengkap laptop anda yang memudahkan anda untuk menggunakan laptop, semua ini juga free lho...
1. TouchFreeze
Terkadang touctpad dan keyboard tidak kompak dan membuat pengguna kerepotan. Begini contohnya. Ketika Anda mengetik dan tak sengaja salah satu jari mengusap touchpad, maka pointer pun berpindah posisi. Ketika itu pula ketikan Anda menjadi berantakan karena posisi teks yang diketik jadi berpindah-pindah.

Mengenal lebih jauh tentang Terasi

Agan-agan semua pasti udah mengenal terasi dan udah pernah mencicipinya kecuali bagi yg gak suka tapi pernahkah agan berfikir bagaimana terasi itu dibuat dan ada berapa macam jenis terasi? oke langsung aja ya gan cekidot.....
Terasi atau belacan adalah

Arti Dari Lambang Playboy

Arti lambang playboy siapa yang tak kenal arti lambang playboy Majalah Dewasa, Playboy. Majalah yang dipelopori oleh Hugh Hefner bersama Eldon Sellers ini, sudah berdiri sejak tahun 1953, ditandai dengan terbitnya edisi pertama yang menampilkan Marilyn Monroe sebagai sampul depannya. Yang lucu dari kisah edisi pertama ini adalah, foto M. Monroe yang dipajang di situ sejatinya bukanlah foto yang dibuat khusus untuk Playboy, melainkan foto untuk kalender, yang dibeli oleh Hefner, lalu ditampilkan secara eksklusif di majalah itu.

CellphoneSoft RAMBlow, Swiss Manager Pro & Utility Apps

Today I will feature 2 of the newest symbian apps to hit the Nokia applications store for S60 5th edition and S60 3rd edition smartphones. One of these apps is a powerful utility application to control and elevate the overall performance of your smartphone’s operating system with one click. The other 2 applications have two-fold features which can be used to control how your phone responses to gesture based controls and it also allows you to listen to your favorite music files on your Nokia phone whenever you want.

eyeSight – eyeCall | eyeSight – Moove! | Motion Sensor Apps

Here are two apps that are based on the Nokia Symbian Accelerometer technology and operates through the aid of hand motion. Both these applications are for Symbian OS devices and are developed by the developers of eyeSight Tech. They are the also the creators of the famous eyeCan technology which enables a Touch Free user interface for mobile phones. When eyeCan is installed on your Nokia smartphone, a simple gesture from your hand can do wonders like killing the ringtone of an incoming call, switch on and start navigation with your favorite GPS app or start playing the built in Mp3 player over the loudspeaker.

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 (2011)

Film Yang sedang di tunggu para penggemar skuel Twilight Saga yaitu “Breaking Down” Akan menampilkan lebih banyak adegan HOT.  Berdasarkan pada resensi “sinopsis” film Twilight Breaking Dawn, Kristen Stewart dan Robert Pattinson melangsungkan pernikahan dan berbulan madu. Kemudian akhirnya Bella hamil, dan permasalah mulai berdatangan.
Film  sekuel ketiga ‘Twilight’  yaitu ‘Breaking Dawn‘ akan menampilkan beberapa adegan vulgar atau hot dari para tokoh utama film tersebut. Jadi Para orang tua harap mendampingi putra putri yang masih di bawah umur.

Minum air putih pada saat perut kosong

Di Jepang sekarang ini sangat popular sekali trend minum air segera setelah Bangun pagi. Apalagi, test ilmiah telah membuktikan keampuhannya. Kami memberikan deskripsi penggunaan air kepada pembaca kami dibawah ini. Terapi air ini telah dibuktikan sukses oleh kumpulan pengobatan Jepang untuk penyakit lama dan serius dan juga penyakit moderen. Penyakit-penyakit tersebut adalah sebagai berikut:

Negara dengan Tarif Sms Termahal di dunia

Mahalkah tarif sms di Indonesia? Jika Anda penguna celullar yang sering mengeluh karna mahalnya tarif sms dan beranggapan bahwa tarif sms di Indonesia adalah mahal, sebaiknya anda berpikir ulang. Karena ternyata ada negara lain yang tarif smsnya jauh lebih mahal dari Indonesia.

Ini Daftar Kenaikan Gaji PNS

VIVAnews - Pemerintah menaikkan gaji pegawai negeri sipil (PNS) sekitar 10-15 persen tahun ini. Dengan kenaikan itu, gaji pokok PNS akan meningkat mulai dari Rp1,175 juta hingga Rp4,1 juta per bulan.


Pernahkah anda terkena virus, jika anda mengetahui prinsip kerja virus maka anda akan dengan mudah menghalau nya, namun kita tetap membutuhkan suatu tools tambahan seperti anti virus, bagaimana jika antivirus anda yang telah terjangkit virus,,,, atau bahasa kasar nya "jebol"...

mungkin anda akan berfikir untuk install ulang, namun prinsip virus bekerja setelah kita menjalankan suatu OS, nah disinilah peran penting rescue CD, yang dapat langsung men_scan tanpa harus masuk OS terlebih dahulu, alias langsung scan pas booting...

Update Offline Bitdefender

Update Offline Bitdefender 2008

sebelum nya masuk dulu ke web atas.....
pilih update sesuai versi.....
sebenarnya update nya sama dengan 2008, deh di tes.. ternyata update dengan cara 2008 bisa....
tapi karena di web nya cuma ada weekly.exe

jadi buat tutor baru aja deh....



Installer Bitdefender 2011

Patch 2011 until 2045


10 Theme Song Game Paling Memorable Di Dunia

Salah satu elemen yang paling mempengaruhi kualitas sebuah game adalah theme song yang ada di dalamnya. Tidak dapat dipungkiri, alunan musik yang mengiringi setiap aksi karakter utama memegang peranan kunci untuk menghadirkan atmosfir bermain yang lebih maksimal. Musik memang dapat mengubah cara seseorang mempersepsikan sesuatu. Anda tidak mungkin akan merasakan kesedihan di dalam sebuah plot game tanpa kehadiran musik yang sesuai. Begitu juga dengan perasaan marah, takut, tegang, atau bersemangat. Musiklah yang menghadirkan itu semua.

4 Makanan yang Memperkuat Kekebalan Tubuh

Jakarta - Kesehatan sangat penting bagi manusia. Bila kondisi tubuh sudah tidak sehat, bisa jadi karena rendahnya sistem kekebalan tubuh. Penyebabnya adalah kesalahan pada pola makan dan asupan nutrisi yang dikonsumsi.

Free 3 months License Avira Premium Security Suite from Avira Online Shop

Step 1: Fill out the online form

Salutation *

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Menghilangkan Jendela Iklan Setiap Kali Update AVIRA ANTIVIR

Jendela popup notifier yang menawarkan AVIRA versi Premium itu kini sudah tidak muncul lagi setiap kali ai melakukan update.

Ingin juga menonaktifkan jendela popup iklan di AVIRA agan???

Avira Antivirus

HASIL PERBANDINGAN AVIRA DENGAN ANTIVIRUS LAIN (Dalam hal Missed Samples -Makin kebawah grafiknya, makin bagus- )


Fakta Mengerikan Tentang Bulan

۞ Usia bulan:
Usia bulan lebih tua dari yang diperkirakan, bahkan diperkirakan lebih tua daripada bulan dan matahari itu sendiri! Umur bumi paling tua yang bisa diperkirakan adalah 4.6 milyar tahun. Sementara itu batuan bulan malah sudah berumur 5.3 milyar tahun. bulan lebih tua 1 milyar tahun ketimbang bumi!

Beberapa Hal ”Memalukan” dan Cara Mengatasinya

Masalah-masalah yang terjadi pada tubuh sendiri, mungkin sepele buat Anda, akan tetapi besar pengaruhnya buat orang lain. Berikut beberapa masalah yang terkadang jadi penghalang dalam kehidupan sosial Anda.
1. Bau Kaki Tak Sedap

Uploaded with
Pada saat keringat pada kaki berinteraksi dengan bakteri yang menempel pada sepatu, maka keluarlah bau tidak sedap.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Assassins Creed Brotherhood | Nokia Game

One new Assassins Creed sequel hits the Nokia Symbian OS titled as Assassins Creed Brotherhood (Assassins Creed 3) and it is absolutely a must-feature game to say the least. Both the previous chapters of Assassins Creed titled Assassins Creed 1 and 2 were huge hits and this new chapter seem to step about in a similar direction picking up from where part 2 left off – leaving the pope alive. This follow up sequel is definitely the best in the entire Assassins Creed Series and it is now made compatible with the Nokia smartphones after its recent successful launch with the XBox, PC and Playstations Console. Today, after a long while I am back to feature this special game for you and let me tell you something, this game will do wonders!

Video Nani Crying Seriously Injured and Taken on a Stretcher After Carragher Horrible Challenge Lucky not To Get Red Liverpool 3-1 Manchester United

Nani is crying on the floor. It looks as though Nani is actually crying and seriously injured. Jamie Carragher booked for a tackle on Nani Yellow Card that should have been red ! Nani was certainly fouled harshly but he shouldn't cry.

Nani leaves after Carragher's horrendous challenge. and Chicharito in. Nani is taken straight down the tunnel on a stretcher. Chicharito replaces the injured. Apparently this was why nani was Crying!

Carragher's tackle was disgraceful. Slow motion of Carragher tackle on Nani a shocker. Def Red. Carragher should have gone. Nani is taken off on a stretcher after 45 minutes against Liverpool. No indication yet how severe the injury is.

New News: Nani has a deep gash in his leg. Injury will be full assessed tomorrow don't think anything broken. I feel quite sick looking at Nani's injury. I feel even sicker he was accused of faking it.

AVG tuneup 2011AVG tuneup 2011

Buat yg mau download FULL + kracknya :
AVG PC Tuneup 2011 Full.rar
Size : (8.52 MB)

Yg ini Khusus yg butuh krack nya saja :
AVG PC Tuneup 2011 krack.rar
Size : (1.44 MB)

Bagi Yang Mau Disable Auto Update

1. Masuk AVG--> Tools--> Advanced

Tips instalasi avg + update-nya (99.999999999% WORKING !!!!)


1. Tidak disarankan pake AVG free edition.

Bagi Yang Keygen/Cracknya Terdetect Virus Sama AVG

Bagi yang keygen/kracknya terdetect sama avg, berikut cara penanggulangannya :

  • Buka AVG-nya, lalu masuk menu

AVG Internet Security 2011


ikuti langkah dibawah ini
1. Start
2. Run
3. Ketik gpedit.msc

[DR Eggi Sudjana SH Msi] Tsunami Aceh Rekayasa

PRESIDEN Persaudaraan Pekerja Muslim Indonesia (PPMI), DR Eggi Sudjana SH Msi mensinyalir, bahwa bencana yang menimpa NAD (Nagroe Aceh Darussalam) dan sekitarnya bukanlah gempa dan gelombang tsunami yang sesungguhnya. Akan tetapi sebuah gelombang bom termonuklir yang sengaja diledakkan di bawah laut.

SIMS 3 Ambitions & Gangstar Miami Vindication

Two new games that are based on simulation and strategy based tactics although it has to be said that the latter does include some cool actions as well. Both these games are follow ups to their respective earlier versions.  SIMS 3 Ambitions for Nokia includes some of the most basic core gaming strategies of the famous SIMS series while Gangstar 3 Miami Vindication which is also known as the unofficial GTA (Grand Theft Auto) game for Nokia is the ‘upgraded’ version of Gangstar 2 Kings of Los Angeles.
SIMS 3 Ambitions:

Video Chicharito Goals Vs Paraguay Awesome Striker Natural Born Goal Scorer Mexico 3-1 Paraguay

Manchester United Player Javier Hernandez scored two as Mexico beat Paraguay. Chicharito is one of my favourite players. Am I the only one who can't seem to choose between Chicharito or Javier Hernandez? What should I call him? They both sound powerful!

Chicharito now has 14 goals in 22 games for Mexico surpassing the record set by Mexico's all time top scorer Jared Borgetti who only hit 11 in his first 25. He is really a crack and he still growing up in the manu.

Chicharito Is ''Supersub'' The Next Striker Manchester United. Chicharito's goal today for Mexico were just perfect striker goals. Mexican striker makes a fantastic goal in friendly game against Paraguay. Chicharito is truly an amazing.

Video watch Javier Hernandez Goals Vs Paraguay here: The video is either hosted on youtube, dailymotion or any other video hosting site.

Adam Sandler Collection

50 First Dates


Saturday, March 26, 2011

Video Lampard Goal Vs Wales A Penalty kick in the 7th minute England 2 - 0 Wales

Eng 2 - 0 Wales(Lampard,Bent) Playing 433 is allowing us to press high up the pitch + give wales no time to get playing. England are so far dominating Wales thanks to a Lampard penalty and A Darren Bent strike. Wales look shaky.

Young goes over very easy and Lampard slots his penalty past Hennessey- England are ahead. Lampard converts penalty for England after Collins fouls Young.1-0 to England after six minutes. Perfect start for England. Lampard scores the penalty after James Collins fouls Ashley Young. Wales protest but they can't really argue. 0-1.

szólj hozzá: Wales 0-1 England

Video Bent Goal Vs Wales Classic counter-attack A Sublime Driven Pass from Glen Johnson Wales 0 England 2

Darren Bent from close range after good work from Young and a peach of a ball from Johnson 2-0 and looking cosy. Bent goal, England 2 up! Wales 0 England 2 bent and young combine brilliantly - Johnson ball good but the welsh defending was frightening. Great work by Young sets up Bent to tap home England's second. Lovely incisive attacking play. 2-0.

QuickOffice Office Suite 6 | MobiSystems Office Suite 5

Today it is all about applications! Not just this n that applications, today’s post is about two supreme Symbian mobile apps on productivity that anyone will want  to have their hands on. Today I will feature 2 special applications that will work with the latest Symbian^3 smartphones like the N8, C6, C7, E7 etc besides the usual S60 v5 5th edition & S60 v3 3rd edition Nokia handsets. Today I am featuring all the latest versions of these applications and they should work flawlessly without any issues whatsoever with the above mentioned devices. The Nokia apps that will be featured today are QuickOffice AM 6 for Symbian^3 OS, 3rd edition/5th edition devices & MobiSystems OfficeSuite 5.40 for S60 5th edition & 3rd edition smartphones.

LCG Jukebox | Avis TouchBalance | Uninstall King | JBak Taskman

Happy New Year everyone! My most sincere new year wishes to each and everyone of you who are my frequent visitors of our blog and to everyone of you who are visiting my blog for the very first time. Everyone is important and all your visits does matter to me significantly. Without your support and feedback this blog would never make it past the 4 years mark. Today I will feature 4 useful applications for Nokia that will surely help you to start 2011 with a bang! LCG Jukebox, JBak Taskman, LCG X-Plore, Avis Touchbalance and Uninstall King are what we are going to feature today. These Nokia apps will certainly make a difference the way you use your smartphones!

Sygic Mobile Maps 2010 | Garmin City Navigator 2011

Today I will post about two of the most popular GPS applications for Symbian devices. These featured GPS applications includes the Mapsource and everything else so that you can get the updated maps for all over the world. Today I will feature the updated versions of Sygic Mobile Maps 2010 and Garmin City Navigator 2011. For those of you who visits my blog often may remember that I have already featured both of these GPS apps in the past. Sygic Mobile GPS was featured once and Garmin Mobile GPS XT 5 was actually featured twice before. Why am I posting these new versions in a different post? Because both these updated apps deserve the spotlight again for all their new features and these new versions may or may not work with S60v3. In case it does not (it really should!) you can always go back to the earlier versions.

10 Free Nokia HD & 3D Games for Symbian | HD Games

Today I will feature not one or two games but 10 of the hottest Symbian HD games that are yet to be featured here at Nokia Symbian Themes. Most of these Symbian HD games are only compatible with Nokia Symbian^3 OS smartphones like the N8, C7, C6, E7 etc but there are quite a few which will also work on Symbian OS 9.4 and Symbian OS 9.5 devices like the N97, X6, 5530, 5800 etc. A very few of  these will even work on Nokia Symbian OS 9.1, 9.2 & 9.3 S60 v3 devices as well. Without wasting any more time let us delve into the astounding world of HD gaming on mobile.



Overview :
Avast! Antivirus Adalah salah satu antivirus terbaik di dunia, bersama kaspersky, NOD32/ESET, Avira, Avg, Avast! memberikan jaminan kepuasan dan proteksi yang menyeluruh bagi PC/laptop anda Dengan dilengkapi Memori scan dan Bootscan yang ampuh maka peluang untuk komputer anda ter terserang virus sangat kecil. Avast! dilengkapi Skin yang user friendly dan dapat diganti sesuai keiginan anda. skin bisa diperoleh di situsnya secara gratis.

Safe XP : freeware untuk Mempercepat Windows XP

Safe XP

Kalau computer cepat, kadang tidak terasa. Sebaliknya, kalau lambat, akan sangat terasa, bahkan sangat menjengkelkan. Banyak cara untuk menambah kecepatan system operasi.
Salah satunya adalah dengan menonaktifkan fasilitas yang tidak diperlukan.

Cara menembus batas limit ram Windows 7 32bit®

langsung aja...biar nggak bertele²
buat agan2 yang masih pake windows 7 32bit tapi pake ram 4gb pastinya g bakalan terbaca penuh 4gb tapi cuman 3.25gb aja yang kedetec karena emg udah di batasin dari microsoftnya...biar ram bisa terbaca penuh 4gb mari ikutin cara² dibawah ini
langsung ke praktek aja

Software Membuat Windows XP Berbahasa Indonesia

Bosen Windows XP kamu berbahasa inggris??
Ubah aja pakai bahasa indonesia......................
Download disini, hanya 5 MB.

55 Theme Gallery untuk Power Point (biar presentasi lebih maknyuss)

123 MB Compress
170 MB UnCompress

The design service includes,
design template for PowerPoint
animation for PowerPoint
presentation template for PowerPoint
presentation design

MS Office 2010


- Office 2010 akan tersedia dalam versi 32-bit dan 64-bit.
- Office 2010 dapat berjalan di OS Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista, dan Windows 7

A. MS OFFICE 2010 Volume License (VL) V.14.0.4763.1000 Complete Edition (>3 Gb) DOWNLOAD LINK

Total Converter v 3.61

Total Video Converter supports reading the following file formats:

Video Formats:
. Rmvb(.rm,.rmvb); MPEG4(.mp4); 3gp(.3gp, 3g2); Game Psp(.psp); MPEG1(.mpg, mpeg); MPEG2 PS (.mpg, mpeg, vob); MPEG2 TS (DVB Transport Stream); Ms ASF(.asf, .wmv); Ms AVI(.avi); Macromedia Flash video FLV (.flv); Real Video (rm); Apple Quicktime(.mov); FLIC format(.fli, .flc); Gif Animation(.gif); DV (.dv); Matroska (.mkv); ogm (.ogm); Video Formats Dx9 Directshow can open.

Program Record Audio

Cakewalk Sonar Producer v8.5 DVDR
TEAM AiR | 09/2010 | 4DVD
DISK1: 3.60GB | DISK2: 4.02GB | DISK3: 5.34GB | DISK4: 2.26GB

With version 8.5, SONAR continues to innovate on all fronts. New beat creating and arrangement tools, a new drum instrument loaded with stellar kits, enhanced audio quantizing, new multi-stage effect plug-ins, and more combine to make SONAR the most complete, professional, and best sounding DAW on any platform.

Release Note:

Minilyrics 7.0.676

Installation instructions :
MiniLyrics is the most easy-to-use lyrics plugin software. It's very easy to install and use.
1. Download MiniLyrics
2. Install MiniLyrics
3. Run your player and play your favorite tracks
4. Lyrics will be showed up automatically

Camtasia 7.0 full [sop buat rekam aktifitas dekstop & webcam]

Saturday, March 12, 2011

YOUR Uninstaller


Install/uninstall programs are very common in this broadband world. People download programs every day and install them, lucky ones get the chance to serve you, but the others, they have to go.

OK, problems here: some programs are lazy and they won't take everything they brought here. They may leave files under Windows, unused Dll libraries, junk files and tons of registry keys. It's not the worst, some of them even prevent to be uninstalled, it always pops up a square dialog and tells you: "xxx is damaged, I could not be uninstalled." Even reinstalling the program will not help. It's really annoying and absolutely, unacceptable!

That's why you are reading this, you are in the right place! Your Uninstaller! is designed to solve any uninstall related problems and remove everything related, what you need is simply locate the program and hit "Uninstall", after simply clicks, it will be gone - with everything it brought. Your Uninstaller! also has advanced features for experienced users. Removing all unwanted programs will keep your system clean and stable.

Key features

Tips Memperbaiki Bad Sector Menggunakan HDD Regenerator

Sobat kaskuser pernah mengalami masalah bad sector pada hardisk kesayangan anda?? Sungguh pusing memang rasanya, akhir-akhir ini saya baru saja mengalaminya, bad sector menyerang hardisk eksternal yang bisa dikatakan sebagai database remo-xp, karena semua software saya simpan di sana. Tentu di balik semua itu pasti ada hikmah nya. Nah, berdasarkan pengalaman yang saya dapat, pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan mencoba berbagi tips seputar bad sector dan bagaimana cara memperbaiki hardisk yang terdapat bad sector nya.

Revo Uninstaller Pro 2.5.0 (32 & 64 bits) RETAIL PREACTIVATED | 9.1 MB

Revo Uninstaller Pro 2.5.0 (32 & 64 bits) RETAIL PREACTIVATED | 9.1 MB

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HD Tune Pro v4.60

HD Tune Pro is an extended version of HD Tune which includes many new features such as: write benchmark, secure erasing, AAM setting, folder usage view, disk monitor, command line parameters and file benchmark.

HD Tune Pro is a hard disk utility which has the following functions:
» Benchmark: measures the low-level performance (read/write)
» File Benchmark: measures the file performance (read/write)
» Info: shows detailed information
» Health: checks the health status by using SMART
» Error Scan: scans the surface for errors
» Erase: securely erases all data from the disk
» Disk Monitor: monitors disk access
» Folder View: shows disk space usage for each folder
» AAM: reduces noise or increases seek performance
» Temperature display



* Added temperature statistics
* Improved support for SSD
* Improved access time resolution
* Health
o added support for more SSDs
* Random access
o maximum access time is shown
o added 4 KB align option
* Extra tests
o added random seek 4 KB test
o added 4 KB align option


Name: John Smith
Serial number: YF5C-ED52-F6BF-EE19-C101


HDD Regenerator 2011 New Version

Thumbs up [Share] HDD Regenerator 2011 New Version >>Soft Untuk Betulin Bad Sector<<

HDD Regenerator 2011... $59.95
Program features:
Ability to detect physical bad sectors on a hard disk drive surface.

Ability to repair physical bad sectors (magnetic errors) on a hard disk surface.

The product ignores file system, scans disk at physical level. It can be used with FAT, NTFS or any other file system, and also with unformatted or unpartitioned disks.

Starting process directly under Windows XP / Vista / 7.

Bootable regenerating flash can be created from the program and used to automatically start regenerating process.

Bootable regenerating CD allows starting regenerating process under DOS automatically.

Main benefits

Hard disk drive is an integral part of every computer. It stores all your information. One of the most prevalent defects of hard drives is bad sectors on the disk surface. Bad sectors are a part of the disk surface which contains not readable, but frequently necessary information. As a ecomes unfit for use, but also you risk losing information stored on it. TheHDD Regenerator can repair damaged hard disks without affecting or changing existing data. As a result, previously unreadable and inaccessible information is restored.
%0result of bad sectors you may have difficulties to read and copy data from your disk, your operating system becomes unstable and finally your computer may unable to boot altogether. When a hard drive is damaged with bad sectors, the disk not only bA
How it works

Almost 60% of all hard drives damaged with bad sectors have an incorrectly magnetized disk surface. We have developed an algorithm which is used to repair damaged disk surfaces. This technology is hardware independent, it supports many types of hard drives and repairs damage that even low-level disk formatting cannot repair. As a result, previously unreadable information will be restored. Because of the way the repair is made, the existing information on the disk drive will not be affected!

Can the HDD Regenerator repair your drive?

Almost 60 % of damaged hard disks can be repaired by regeneration. You can always download free demo version and try to regenerate the first found bad sector. The main purpose of the unregistered demo version is to display a report which contains information about the possibility to regenerate the entire disk by means of the registered full version. If the first found bad sector has been successfully regenerated, you can buy the product to regenerate all bad sectors on your hard drive. If the first bad sector has NOT been successfully regenerated, then replace your hard disk drive as soon as possible.

Important notes

Since the program does not change the logical structure of a hard drive, the file system may still show some sectors marked earlier as "bad", and other disk utilities such as Scandisk will detect logical bad sectors even though the disk has been successfully regenerated and is no longer damaged by physical bad sectors. If you want to remove these marks, repartition the hard disk drive.
Comparing to previous versions, the new 2011 code has been completely reworked.
Here are some of improvements of the new version:

*Prescan mode (very useful for fast determination of bad sectors location, if a hard drive has a large number of bad sectors. Saves your time. Bad hard drives are scanned in this mode even faster than good drives!)
*Normal scan mode has faster scanning speed
*4K sector size support
*Automatic process resume in any mode (except CD/DVD)
*Multiple hard drives better support
*Real-time hard drive state monitor (will be available soon, currently limited)
*Other enhancements (including temperature indicator, convenient range of sectors selection, bad SMART status indication, overheating indication, etc.)




Driver Genius Professional Edition v10.0.0.526 + crack


Driver Genius Professional can manage your PC to get 100% up to date Drivers and optimize PC performance. Driver Genius Professional is a powerful driver manager for Windows that can backup, restore ,search and update your drivers automatically with only a couple of mouse clicks!

Drivers Backup:
Driver Genius can detect and quickly backup drivers installed on the system. It can compress the backup drivers to a zip file, self extracting file or an independent executable auto installer program.

Drivers Restore:
You no longer need to install drivers one by one after reinstalling your Operating System. Just one click can install all your backed up drivers automatically. You can also install drivers via command line silently. If you need install drivers on multiple PC with the same hardware configuration, Driver Genius can save you a lot of time when reinstalling your systems.

Drivers Update:
Are you still using an old or beta version drivers? Those faulty drivers may cause compatibility problems. They are the biggest hidden problem that cause systems to crash. A suitable drivers can improve system performance by 50% or even more. There are more than 30,000 device drivers in the database of Driver Genius, including Motherboard, Sound card, Video card, Network card, Modem, Mouse, Keyboard, Scanner, Printer and Digital devices etc. With one click, Driver Genius will work out all drivers that need updating. All drivers we offer are official versions or WHQL versions, you can use them without any compatibility worries.

Drivers Uninstall:
There may be some leftover drivers in your system because of changing hardware or updating drivers. Driver Genius can find these drivers that are no longer in use and quickly uninstall them.

We update a large numbers of drivers on our website everyday. You can synchronize your local Driver Genius database with the latest drivers by using our LiveUpdate program.

Requirments & Additonal Info:
Current Version:
Operating System:
Windows 98/98SE
Windows ME
Windows 2000
Windows XP/XP x64
Windows Server 2003/Server 2003 x64
Windows Vista/Vista x64
Windows 7/7 x64

Tested And Working... Scanned (With Kaspersky) And 100% Clean

File Size:

16.4 MB


House of Wax

[Movie Title ]....[ House of Wax
[Release Year ]...[ 2005
[iMDb Rating ]....[ 5.4/10
[Genre ]..........[ Horror
[Runtime ]........[ 113 mins
[File Size ]......[ 1466 MB
[Source ].........[ house.of.wax.2005.dvd5.720p.hddvd.x264-reveille

[Resolution ].....[ 720*480 (Anamorph)
[Frame Rate ].....[ 23.976 fps
[Aspect Ratio ]...[ 1.78:1
[Video C/B ]......[ x264 ~1627 kbps
[Audio C/B ]......[ ND HE-AAC 6ch ~186 kbps
[Language ].......[ English
[Subtitle ].......[ No
[Container ]......[ MatRoska (.mkv)

Link download :

English Subtitle

Hollow Man

[Movie Title ]....[ Hollow Man
[Release Year ]...[ 2000
[iMDb Rating ]....[ 5.4/10
[Genre ]..........[ Action / Drama / Horror / Sci-Fi / Thriller
[Runtime ]........[ 112 mins
[File Size ]......[ 1466 MB
[Source ].........[ Hollow.Man.2000.720p.BluRay.DTS.x264-SEPTiC

[Resolution ].....[ 832*528 (Anamorph)
[Frame Rate ].....[ 23.976 fps
[Aspect Ratio ]...[ 16:9
[Video C/B ]......[ x264 ~1523 kbps
[Audio C/B ]......[ ND HE-AAC 6ch ~189 kbps
[Language ].......[ English
[Subtitle ].......[ No
[Container ]......[ MatRoska (.mkv)

Download :

English Subtitle


[Movie Title ]....[ Hitman
[Release Year ]...[ 2007
[iMDb Rating ]....[ 6.3/10
[Genre ]..........[ Action / Crime / Thriller
[Runtime ]........[ 100 mins
[File Size ]......[ 1099 MB
[Source ].........[ Hitman.2007.720p.BluRay.x264-REVEiLLE

[Resolution ].....[ 720*362 (Anamorph)
[Frame Rate ].....[ 23.976 fps
[Aspect Ratio ]...[ 2.35:1
[Video C/B ]......[ x264 ~1428 kbps
[Audio C/B ]......[ ND HE-AAC 6ch ~189 kbps
[Language ].......[ English
[Subtitle ].......[ English (Not hardsubbed)
[Container ]......[ MatRoska (.mkv)

Hellboy 2: The Golden Army

Runtime : 120 min
File Size : 1466 Mb
Video Codec : x264
Video Bitrate : 1439 kbps
Aspect Ratio : 1.86:1
Resolution : 912 x 490
Frame Rate : 23.976 kps
Audio Codec : Nero HE-AAC
Channel(s) : 6ch
Audio Bitrate : 256 kps
Audio Language : English
Subtitles : English
Source : Hellboy.2.The.Golden.Army.2008.720p.Bluray.x264-SEPTic
Info :

 Link download :


[Movie Title ]....[ Hellboy - Director's Cut
[Release Year ]...[ 2004
[iMDb Rating ]....[ 6.7/10
[Genre ]..........[ Action | Adventure | Comedy | Fantasy | Sci-Fi
[Runtime ]........[ 132 mins
[File Size ]......[ 1466 MB
[Source ].........[ Hellboy.2004.DC.720p.BluRay.x264-SEPTiC

[Resolution ].....[ 832*544 (Anamorph)
[Frame Rate ].....[ 23.976 fps
[Aspect Ratio ]...[ 1.80:1
[Video C/B ]......[ x264 ~1352 kbps
[Audio C/B ]......[ ND HE-AAC 5.1 ~196 kbps
[Language ].......[ English
[Subtitle ].......[ English (Not hardsubbed)
[Container ]......[ MatRoska (.mkv)




[Movie Title ]....[ Halloween
[Release Year ]...[ 2007
[iMDB Rating ]....[ 6.0/10
[Genre ]..........[ Horror
[Runtime ]........[ 121 mins
[iMDB Address ]...[


[Releasename ]....[ Halloween.2007.m-HD.x264.VALKiNTENSiVE
[Encoder ]........[ vaLk

[File Size ]......[ 1466 MB
[Source ].........[ 1080p Blu-ray CiNEFiLE

[Resolution ].....[ 976*400
[Frame Rate ].....[ 23.976 fps
[Aspect Ratio ]...[ 2.44:1
[Video C/B ]......[ x264 @ 1530 kbps
[Audio C/B ]......[ ND HE-AAC 6CH @ 192 kbps
[Language ].......[ English
[Subtitle ].......[ English (Not hardsubbed)
[Container ]......[ Matroska (.mkv)

Link download :

Grown Ups

[Movie Title ]....[ Grown Ups
[Release Year ]...[ 2010
[iMDB Rating ]....[ 5.8/10
[Genre ]..........[ Comedy
[Runtime ]........[ 102 mins
[iMDB Address ]...[

[Releasename ]....[ Grown.Ups.2010.480p.BluRay.AAC.x264-UNiT3D
[Encoder ]........[ GHiA
[File Size ]......[ 871 MB
[Source ].........[ 720p BluRay
[Resolution ].....[ 848*464
[Frame Rate ].....[ 23.976 fps
[Aspect Ratio ]...[ 1.86:1
[Video Bitrate ]..[ x264 @ 1000 kbps
[Audio Bitrate ]..[ AAC 6CH @ 192 kbps
[Language ].......[ English
[Subtitles ]......[ -
[Container ]......[ MatRoska (.mkv)
[DXVA Compliant ].[ YES

Link Download

English Subtitle